NFPA 1962

**Some important parts of NFPA 1962 2018 edition that could help**

**7.1.11 When couplings are attached or reattached to hose, the hose shall be tested at it's service test pressure in accordance with section 4.8, 4.9 or 4.10 as appropriate.**

**4.12 Fire Hose Replacement: Fire hose users and the authority having jurisdiction shall establish a replacement schedule for their fire hose that takes into consideration the use and age of the hose and testing results.**

**4.5.1 Physical inspection shall determine if the hose and couplings have been vandalized, are free of debris, and exhibit no evidence of mildew, rot, or damage by chemicals, burns, cuts, abrasions, and vermin.**

** If the liner shows signs of delamination, the hose shall be condemned.**

4.1.3 Hose shall be service tested in accordance with section 4.8 the later of 1 year after its date of manufacture or before it is placed in service for the first time.

4.8.1 Hose manufactured prior to July 1987 to meet the requirements of the 1979 and previous editions of NFPA 1961 shall be removed from service.

4.8.2 Hose manufactured during July of 1987 or after that date to the 1987 or subsequent editions of NFPA 1961 shall be service tested as specified in section 4.8 Attack fire hose shall be service tested to a minimum of 300psi or a pressure not to exceed the service test pressure marked on the hose. Supply fire hose shall be service tested to a minimum of 200psi or a pressure not to exceed the service test pressure marked on the hose. Forestry fire hose shall be service tested to a minimum of 300psi or a pressure not to exceed the service test pressure marked on the hose.* The total length of any hose line in the hose test layout to be service tested shall not exceed 300ft. After the stabilization period, the hose test layout shall hold the service test pressure for 3 minutes without further pressure boosts. If the hose test layout does not hold the service test pressure for the 3 minute duration, the service test shall be terminated. If the hose assembly shows any sign of coupling slippage, the hose assembly shall have failed the test. Any hose that fails the inspection defined in section 4.5, bursts or leaks during the service test, or has couplings that leak or are otherwise found defective as defined in 7.1.3 shall be tagged as required in or and removed from service.

** If the hose is repaired, or the couplings are repaired or replaced, the hose shall be service tested in accordance with Section 4.8 before being placed back in service.**